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Hello my name is Trey Anderson and I go to Corona del Sol high school in Tempe AZ. I enjoy playing on the baseball field with my brothers and also challenging myself in the classroom. School is just as important to me as baseball is and I love to challenge my abilities in the classroom and on the the field. I live with both my parents and their drive to serve the community has inspired me to be a better person. My mom is a night shift assistant RN director of the NICU and my dad is a firefighter for the city of Mesa. I also have a younger sister who plays soccer. My family came from athletics, and from as early as I can remember I always had a ball of some sort in my hand. My dad played Division 1 basketball at UNM and his stories and passion have inspired me and given me hope that one day I can enjoy college athletics like he did. One of the things I enjoy doing besides playing baseball is spending time with my family, whether it be shooting pool with my dad or just watching a movie on the couch with everyone around. I enjoy off-field activities with my teammates such as going to eat after practice or attend school sponsored events. Overall I keep myself pretty busy while maintaining straight A's, hanging with my teammates, and doing other extracurricular activities. I am also a member of the National Honor Society(NHS). One of my strengths is finding time to do all the things I enjoy and my responsibilities of school, baseball and NHS. We are required to do community service for NHS and I find it to be rewarding and fulfilling to help my community. I find myself to be dedicated and hardworking. If there is something I am doing I will give 110% effort and attention until it is finished. This drives my biggest dream, which is to play baseball at the collegiate level.


DATE OF BIRTH 08-15-2004

HEIGHT / WEIGHT 6’ 1” / 178

123 E. Baseline Rd, Ste. D106
Tempe, AZ 85283